[section bg_color=»rgb(237, 239, 241)» border=»1px 0px 1px 0px» border_color=»rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.13)»]

[title style=»center» text=»Banner Grid Element» size=»120″]

[ux_banner_grid height=»600″ depth=»1″]

[col_grid span=»4″ span__sm=»12″]

[ux_banner bg=»11″ bg_pos=»64% 30%» border_color=»rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)»]

[text_box width=»70″]

A Cute Title

This is a simple headline

A Small text

[button text=»Click me!» style=»outline» size=»xlarge»]



[col_grid span=»3″ span__sm=»12″]

[ux_banner bg=»11″ bg_pos=»51% 56%» border_color=»rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)»]

[text_box width=»69″ width__sm=»60″ position_y=»5″]

This is a simple headline

[button text=»Shop now» style=»outline» size=»larger»]



[col_grid span=»5″ span__sm=»14″ height=»1-3″]

[ux_banner bg=»11″ bg_size=»medium» bg_overlay=»rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15)» bg_pos=»51% 30%» border_color=»rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)»]

[text_box text_color=»dark» width=»42″ position_x=»10″ text_align=»left»]

This is a simple headline

[button text=»Shop now» style=»outline» size=»larger»]



[col_grid span=»5″ span__sm=»12″ height=»2-3″]

[ux_banner bg=»11″ bg_color=»rgb(0, 0, 0)» bg_overlay=»rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)» bg_pos=»71% 19%» border_color=»rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07)»]

[text_box width=»70″ width__sm=»60″]






[row v_align=»middle»]

[col span=»5″ span__sm=»12″]


Creating amazing Banner Grids is incredible easy with the new UX Builder

[col span=»7″ span__sm=»12″]

[ux_image id=»10″ depth=»3″]


[section bg=»11″ bg_color=»rgb(28, 28, 28)» bg_overlay=»rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.72)» parallax=»2″ dark=»true»]

[title style=»center» text=»Banner Grid With A Background» size=»undefined»]

[ux_banner_grid height=»666″ depth=»1″]

[col_grid span=»4″ span__sm=»13″ height=»1-2″]

[ux_banner height=»500px» bg=»11″ bg_pos=»32% 58%» hover=»zoom»]

[text_box width=»65″ width__sm=»90″ scale=»102″ animate=»fadeInLeft» position_x=»10″ text_align=»left»]

Featured Vendor

This Week Featured Vendor

Change this to anything. Consectetuer adipiscing elit.

[button text=»Go To Shop» style=»outline» radius=»99″]



[col_grid span=»4″ span__sm=»13″ height=»2-3″]

[ux_banner height=»500px» bg=»11″ bg_size=»medium» bg_overlay=»rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)» bg_pos=»47% 55%» hover=»zoom»]

[text_box width=»74″]

This is a simple banner

[button text=»Shop now» style=»outline» size=»large» radius=»99″]



[col_grid span=»4″ span__sm=»15″ height=»2-3″]

[ux_banner height=»500px» bg=»11″ bg_size=»medium» bg_pos=»66% 22%» hover=»zoom»]

[text_box text_color=»dark» width=»80″ width__sm=»60″ animate=»fadeInLeft» position_y=»85″ text_align=»left»]

Featured Vendor

Woo Vendor Shop

[button text=»Shop now» style=»outline» size=»larger» radius=»99″]



[col_grid span=»4″ span__sm=»13″ height=»1-2″]

[ux_banner height=»500px» bg=»11″ bg_size=»medium» hover=»zoom»]

[text_box width=»80″ position_x=»10″ position_y=»85″ text_align=»left»]

This is a simple banner

Change this text to anything

[button text=»Shop now» style=»outline» size=»larger» radius=»99″]



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[text_box width=»79″ position_y=»85″ text_align=»left»]

This is a simple headline

[button text=»Shop now» style=»outline» size=»large» radius=»99″]





[title style=»center» text=»Use Banner Grids to Create Portfolio Grids» margin_top=»31px» size=»undefined»]

[ux_banner_grid spacing=»collapse» height=»885″ width=»full-width»]

[col_grid span=»6″ span__sm=»13″ height=»2-3″]

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[text_box width=»37″ animate=»fadeInRight» position_x=»10″ position_y=»80″ text_align=»left»]

This is a simple banner

A Website for Acme Company



[col_grid span=»6″ span__sm=»15″ height=»1-2″]

[ux_banner height=»500px» bg=»11″ bg_overlay=»rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19)» bg_pos=»53% 69%» hover=»zoom»]

[text_box width=»30″ animate=»fadeInLeft» position_x=»90″ text_align=»right»]

This is a simple banner

A Website for Acme Company



[col_grid span=»3″ span__sm=»14″ height=»1-2″]

[ux_banner height=»500px» bg=»11″ bg_size=»medium» bg_overlay=»rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.21)» hover=»zoom»]


This is a simple banner

A Website for Acme Company



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This is a simple banner

A Website for Acme Company

[text_box hover=»zoom-in»]

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[text_box text_color=»dark» width=»39″ position_x=»5″ position_y=»85″ text_align=»left»]

This is a simple banner

A Website for Acme Company




[title style=»center» text=»Add Slider to Banner Grids» margin_top=»28px» size=»undefined»]


[col_grid span=»9″ span__sm=»12″]


[ux_banner height=»500px» bg=»11″ bg_overlay=»rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)» border_style=»dashed» border_radius=»undefined» border_color=»rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)»]

[text_box width__sm=»80″]

A cool Top header

Five Key Elements for your Living room


[button text=»Browse Now» size=»large»]


[ux_banner height=»500px» bg=»11″ bg_overlay=»rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)» bg_pos=»64% 34%» border_style=»dashed» border_radius=»undefined» border_color=»rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)»]

[text_box width=»54″ width__sm=»80″ position_x=»85″ text_align=»right»]

A cool Top header

Latest Fashion News for AutumN


[button text=»Browse Now» size=»large»]


[ux_banner height=»500px» bg=»11″ bg_overlay=»rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)» border_style=»dashed» border_radius=»undefined» border_color=»rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)»]

[text_box width__sm=»80″]

A cool Top header

Five Key Elements for your Living room


[button text=»Browse Now» size=»large»]




[col_grid span=»3″ span__sm=»12″ height=»2-3″]

[ux_banner height=»160px» bg=»11″ bg_size=»medium» bg_overlay=»rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.13)» bg_pos=»47% 55%» hover=»zoom»]

[text_box width=»87″]

Don’t Miss

Sale ends soon

[button text=»Browse Now» size=»larger»]



[col_grid span=»3″ span__sm=»12″ height=»1-3″]

[ux_banner height=»160px» bg=»11″ bg_size=»thumbnail» bg_overlay=»rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17)» bg_pos=»47% 55%» hover=»zoom»]

[text_box width=»87″]


[button text=»Browse Now» size=»larger»]



